Tuesday 11 October 2011

Getting started - Workplan

The challenge I face in undertaking this course, is that, because it is 'distance learning' with no face to face tutorials either on an individual or group basis my usual inclination of  'I can put this off until tomorrow' may prevail.

I am going to have to develop systems that will enable me to keep on track with the work required, making sure that deadlines are met.

I have produced a time table (copy below) for 'project one'. I filled in the weekly tasks by working backwards from my first assignment date to the date in September, when I would actually start the course.

This style timetable/work plan will be evaluated at the end of project one.

OCA Understanding Art 1: Part 1
Project 1 – Ancient Greece
Week beginning
Read and record in learning log
Research point
Assignment due
19th September

Thinking about the canon

Research the roman occupation in the local area

26th September

Extra visit to the Tate with Steve and Dave
3rd October
Annotate a Greek sculpture or vase painting

Visit Lady Lever Gallery

OCA Understanding Art 1: Part  1
Project 2  Rome
Week beginning
Read and record in learning log
Research point
Assignment due
10th October
Annotate a roman bust portrait bust

Visit  to Chester - Romans
Research the roman occupation in the local area

17th October

Draw a classical figure sculpture

Visit St George’s Hall – guided tour 19th Oct

OCA Understanding Art 1: Part 1
Project 3 Religious Art
Week beginning
Read and record in learning log
Research point
Assignment due
24th October

Pugin on Gothic

Research on Romanesque and or medieval Gothic buildings in Britain

31st October
Annotate a Gothic image

Gothic church – Manchester Cathedral

OCA Understanding Art 1: Part 1
Project 4 The Renaissance
Week beginning
Read and record in learning log
Research point
Assignment due
7th November
Annotate a Renaissance image


Research the theory and practice of linear perspective and provide examples in sketch book
Review formal text -  500 words
Send two annotated images
Drawing of a classical sculpture or the report to a Gothic church
14th November
Develop annotations

21st November

24th November

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